Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What’s Everyone Listening To?

      It’s week six, and we are evaluating our peers for the second time to see what they are writing about in their own blogs. As I was looking through my classmates’ blogs to see similarities, I found two specific blogs that focused on music and the types of unobtrusive research that can be done to see what everyone is listening to.
       Something that I found very interesting in BDaunno’s blog was her connection to Pandora and unobtrusive research. I have been listening Pandora radio for many years now, and have surprisingly never made the connection. This radio is excellent to see what other people are listening to, and also gives suggestions of what you may like. I can put in an artist that I listen to on a daily basis and it will give me at least five other artists during the duration of my Pandora listening experience.
       The next blog I came across was a blog I have read before, by SLapin. She also discussed music and the unobtrusive research that can be done to see who’s listening to what. SLapin said you could see what radio stations people listen to and then compare that to what type of music that radio station plays. This goes right along with Pandora, except Pandora is using a much more technological approach by using social networking. This blog gives prime examples of how unobtrusive research can be conducted, and what benefits it has when trying to figure out what types of music people listen to.
       When I began comparing blogs, I thought that it was going to be a difficult process to find a commonality between two blogs, but I was definitely wrong. I was pleasantly surprised to see that two other people shared an interest in music, or at least enough to blog about. These opinions and ideas that SLapin and BDaunno share are definitely broadening my horizons, and even letting me think outside the box a little bit more. I would have never thought Pandora could be used as a type of unobtrusive research, but now I’m curious to see what everyone is listening to. It’s a new way of thinking, and I can’t help but wonder what’s next?

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